3 best passes in one trip

Mar 31, 2024 | Travel Guide | 0 comments

Hiking and Trekking in Pakistan

There are numerous hiking and trekking destinations that still need to be explored like 3 best passes in one trip.

Arrival Islamabad city tour of the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. It is the first exciting day on your way to the 3 best passes in one trip trekking. Furthermore, you will have a great and diverse landscape from one place to another.

In sharp contrast to the ancient and historical cities and towns of Pakistan. The Federal Capital Islamabad is a new city modeled on the pattern of many new and modern Western architectures. Half-day city tour you will explore the history of Pakistan on this day trip and sightseeing.

Rawalpindi – is a bustling town strategically located between Punjab and Azad Kashmir. It has a strong colonial influence and possesses a large military cantonment with the headquarters of the Pakistan Army. Moreover, it is the sister city of Islamabad, and is essentially the older sister of Islamabad. To locals, Old bazaars, such as the Raja Bazaar, retain their oriental character, with artisans who still create in the old-fashioned way: designing jewelry, pounding out copper and brass items, fashioning cane baskets, hand-and carving walnut furniture.

Drive to Gilgit to reach the 3 best passes in one trip

Driving along the Naran and Kaghan Valley in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The other option is the 8th wonder of the World the Karakorum Highway.  which is worth enjoying the diverse towns, cities, and villages. In addition, the unique culture of the people along Hazara and Kohistan regions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Formerly, it was North West Frontier Province and the mighty Indus River flows down from the Karakorum and Himalaya Mountains. You will reach the starting point of the 3 best passes in one trip trekking through spectacular views.

Moreover, we stop at ancient rock carvings close to the Chilas of left travelers. The pilgrims and traders on their way to Sub-continent and Central Asia left their memories. It dates back to 5000-1000 BC the purpose of their journey on the rocks is in different languages.

Gilgit to Naltar for the first Place to 3 Best Passes in one Trip

Two more hours along the beautiful Nomal and on the narrow Naltar road along the river. It is hidden in the mountains up a dramatic barren gorge. 19 km long surprisingly green and lush Naltar adds to the joy of your holidays. Overnight stay in a hotel at 2880 m with spectacular views in the surroundings you will dive into nature by the evening. Manage porters here for the next trek. This is the place to begin for the 3 best passes for hiking and trekking.

Trek to Lower Shani:

 It takes 5-7 hours if you start the trek from the village. On the other hand, we can drive 12 km in a jeep it takes about one hour more or less to 7 colors Kutu Lake surrounded by birch trees. Then starting the trek from here to the Lower Shani will take 4-5 hours along the Naltar River.

 In addition, passing through thick forests and Gujar settlements with awesome views all the way the walk is quite smooth. Ahead the views of numerous snow-capped peaks are eye-catching. Shani Peak is 5,887m, the dramatic triple-headed Twins are 5,798 and 5,700m visible further north many more to see. We will camp at Lower Shani at 3,800m quite lush, fed by a small stream edge with flowers; pink bistort, purple geraniums, blue gentians, white edelweiss, and many more. Herds of animals roam the hillsides. 

Trek to Upper Shanni

5-6 hours continue on a good path along the edge of the Shani Glacier with small lakes reflecting the mountains around. For two hours and then another 3 hours to Upper Shani is completely ascending climbing straight ahead with a zigzag path through knee-from lower (during mid-July to August) and up a wide grassy shoulder. Furthermore, you come out on a big plateau featuring herds grazing yaks, cows, and horses.

 There are several beautiful campsites clear streams and spring water and great views of overhanging seracs. Camp at 4,100 meters on the plateau with exciting views. Here the night will be cold about 10C. An interesting day of the 3 best passes in one trip.

Trek to Kriue Borth Crossing Naltar crossing the first of the 3 best passes in one trip

6-8 hours The first two hours climb up with stones and snow takes you to the flat top of the pass. From there, we have mind-blowing views of snowing covering mountains in the distance to the northeast over Passu in Hunza. From the pass, you will continue to drop down towards Pakhora Ishkoman. All the way descending on the glacier and then on the crest of the moraine down to Kuriu Borth.

The usual campsite is at about 3,900m. The camp is nearby a big red stone that named Kurui Borth (red stone in Khowar Language is spoken in Ishkoman). Here better to move down another hour to UCh. A beautiful place with Lush green meadows in the thick forest of pine, birch, and willow trees.

Trek to Pakhora Ishkoman

5-6 hours descending the two hours along the trees and then on a clear donkey path down a narrow valley. The river stays down to your right there are several small waterfalls along the wPokharahora is the largest village in Ishkman we will drive down to Chatorkhan for an overnight stay in a hotel to be relaxed after this tiring trek. Hot shower and washing in the beautiful Garden of Royal Guest House.

Rest day for Washing and preparation for the Attar Pass trek

 You will have two two-hour walk to Dain Water Falls. Above all, the village or you can ha hire a car if you wish it is worth visiting here to interact with local people to explore the life of the mountain communities of Hidukush. The views from the waterfall are interesting because you can see both the Hindukush and Karakoram mountains. Overnight stay in the Guest House.

Drive to Ghotolti to the beginning of the Second Pass for the Three Passes in One Trip

 3-hour through the charming villages of Ishkoman Valley. Before entering proper Ishkoman from the Dok Bridge you will have a great view of the Wakhan Corridor and Korumbar Lake trek that leads from the right here. Unfortunately, it is closed now to go. You will reach Ghotolti the last village where the trek to Attar Pass and Panji Pass begins. Camp in a beautiful garden under the apricot trees you will have the taste of the apricot by picking them from the trees. Manage porters here for the next trek.

Trek to Mathantir the most beautiful camping Spots of the Trek to 3 Best Passes

3 Best Passes in one trip- Mathan Tir Camping Site
Mathan Tir on the way to Attar Pass

It is an interesting 4 to 6-hour trek with views of white-topped peaks of 5,000 to 6000 meters. The first two hours on an easy jeep road take you to Hundis. At about 3,000 meters, Hundis is the highest winter village, surrounded by fields of barley but too high for fruit trees. The views to the North up the MathanTir Valley showed jagged peaks. There is the bridge which to the west of the Village which leads to another trek to Darkot over Punji Pass of 3 to 4 days.

You will follow to the North along the river of Mathan Tir passing through many huts with local people. who spend their summer with cattle welcoming you with a cup of tea if you get close to their huts which is an interesting culture of mountain communities of Northern Pakistan and it is a great opportunity to discover their culture and living standards.

Most people like to go on such treks that add to the joys of holidays. You pass undulating day huge juniper scrub with occasional cedar, pine, and Rowan trees, and wild rose bushes. You pass a couple of settlements high above the path and it is a gentle walk to reach Mathan Tir a beautiful summer village with a green ground camping site at the side of the Attar River with clear spring water to drink and cook at about 3200 meters.

Trek to Attar Lake an exciting Place with the three Best Passes in one Trip

It is a three to four hours interesting trek crossing through very beautiful summer villages along the Attar valley. There is a path under the shade birch trees and views of surrounding snow-capped mountains of 6000 to 6600 meters. Furthermore, waiting for Summit and names because the locals are not aware about of climbing. Some of the Italians from 2000 to 2009, and enjoyed climbing on these amazing mountains. They gave them new names and discovered their local names, still many of them are un-named and waiting for Summit.

After walking for 4 hours you will reach Attar Lake a beautiful campsite with clear water at about 3700 meters. There are some summer huts about 500 meters from the lake. It is a wonderful place to have a rest day here and Explore around. There are some parts very close to the camping site. You enjoy it if you have some of your holidays to enjoy most people like to do it.

Trek to Jutbar is an exciting day of the 3 best passes in one trip

It is your third day of this trek. A smooth walk of 3 to 4 hours along the Jut bar stream flows from the mountains with colorful flowers all along the way. Moreover, you will reach the grassy campsite with wild onions. The views of the mountains back and ahead give immense happiness in your holidays. If you are interested in Climbing, it is a spot. There are 5000 to 6000 peaks near your camp. Moreover, this campsite is at a height of about 4000 meters.

Trek to Bohrek across the Attar pass 4742m with Panoramic Views of the Yasin Valley

The climb from the east to the top is a site-allow 3-4 hours to reach the top. The last part to reach the pass is a gentle approach and you reach 4350 meters and view to both sides is amazing with scenic landscape and it is a bit confusing for the people who ask about it.

Sometimes there is snow in the early or late in season on the pass. I mean if you are there around the month of end of September. Within one to one and a half hours, you reach a beautiful campsite on the Yasin side.  There is a clear spring and views of narrow valleys down. Your porters will celebrate the success by running down towards the campsite and welcoming to the other side of the pass. You will camp here on about 3800 meters with clear spring water and a soft grassy campsite.

Trek to Darkot Village

  It is an easy walk of about 4 to 5 hours downwards and comes across the summer comes of Bohrek, Momosil, and Selling Harang of Darkot as the people like in the Ishkoman will be very happy to see you and welcome you with tea and local dishes made of milk. You must not deny the offers that are a unique culture of the mountain communities of North Pakistan.

Moreover, walking 3 hours you will reach the beautiful village of Darkot the last village of Yasin Valley. It has about 350 houses. Overnight stay here in the camp or you can drive to Gilgit by the same day it’s 4 hour’s drive to Gilgit from Darkot. You can have Darkor three days trek over Ghamubar Pastreks330m) to Thoi Valley from the Darkot if you have more days to trek.

Rest day at Darkot in order to be relaxed

Darkot is the last village of Yasin Valley it has an interesting story of the murder of a British explorer George Hayward an Explorer murdered here in 1870 on his way to explore the Oxus and Indus. The place of his murder is there you can visit and enjoy the story on the spot. Moreover, it has also a great story of the Chinese force with the Korean General Huasen Chi in the 8th century.

Trek to Dolom Untapped Region

 No foreigner has been there yet. In addition, it is very famous because of its greenery natural water channels, flowers, and many more. Worth visiting here to explore more about it. Make sure that I haven’t been here too but seen pictures and heard a lot about I heard beauty. So hope you will have the honor to discover some new places in the region. There is a lot to explore in Hindukush.

Dholing Darkute in 3 best passes Trek

Trek to Ghamubar

 4-5 hour smooth walk hour from Darkot village with fantastic views of Ghamubar Peaks ahead that above 6000 meters unclimbed. Ghamubar Lake in Gambar of Ghamubar Glacier and the glacier it flowing down the mountain are the main highlights of this day.

Trek to Gohicho Kuto across Ghamubar Pass 4200m

This trek starts hard ascending towards the pass about three hours on scree slop up to the top of the pass. The views from the pass back to Darkot and towards Thui Valley are heart-touching. In addition, straight ahead you will see Thui-1 6666 meters the highest peak in this region. Then from here, we are going to descend all the way to Gohicho Kutu a summer pasture of the Thui people.

I used to stay here in the summer for 12 years of my childhood with my grandmother. From the pass, a glacier flows down to the end if you wish to walk on it is possible too. This site is also called Ghamubar. Ghamubar is a Glacier in the Brushaski Language (Spoken Yasin Valley) that gives the name for both sides Darkot and Thui.

Trek to Hakal a Fantastic Hike with Stunning Views

3-4 hour smooth walk down towards Thui. You will have great views of the surrounding mostly rocky mountains. There are summer settlements along the way the people from Thui Village stay during the summer with herds of animals. Some parts have fields of Barley along the valley.

Trek to Harp Thui Village

3-4 hours it is again an easy walk down to the village. This is a huge valley with 1500 houses people of the village are famous for their hospitality and are tourist-friendly. From here you have two options if you are interested visit Chitral then Choosing Thui Pass will send to you in a separate email. Furthermore, the second option over Asumbar Pass to Ishkoman is another 4 days trek.

There are two options for Thui Pass to Yarkhun Valley another 4 day trek (Detail see for Thui Pass)

Second Sandi Yasin over Asumbar Pass to Ishkoman 4-day trek (See Asmbar Pass Trek). Sandi villages are famous for the Muduri Fort very few remains are still there it has an awesome story Dogra’s attack in 1860 on the people of Yasin. We will tell the story on the spot for entertainment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the 3 Best Passes Trek?

The 3 best passes are the Naltar, Attar, and Ghamubar Passes in the Hindukush Range of Pakistan

How many days do I need for the Three Best Passes in one Trip?

You need a total of 16 days from Islamabad to Islamabad for the 3 Best passes in one Trip.

How do I organize the three Passes Trip?

Discover Pakistan is the best company to organize this trip comfortably and professionally.

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